March 13, 2025

Joel Goldsmith | Leave Your Nets | Spiritual Search | Marcos Gualberto

GC: Hello, everyone! We are here for another videocast. Once again, Master Gualberto is here with us. Thank you, Master, for being here. Today I am going to read an excerpt from Joel Goldsmith's book called "Leave Your Nets." In an excerpt from this book, Master, Joel makes the following comment: "This is seeking the Kingdom of God, and then things are added, because He pours out." In this excerpt, Joel comments on this issue of spiritual search. Can the Master share his vision on this subject of spiritual search?

MG: Gilson, this issue of spiritual search needs to be understood. As long as there is this movement of seeking, all we are doing is maintaining the idea of ??the future to achieve. However, here the question is: achieving what exactly? Note that the seeker is searching for an ideal to be found. We need to see this here: the first thing is the very idea ??a future to find something; the second is what we have as a project to find. See, here we are dealing with two aspects within the search, which we need to investigate if there is any truth in this. The spiritual seeker, in fact, what is he seeking? Whatever he is seeking will always be within that which his thought idealizes to be real. So, thought, in each one of us, idealizes, for each one of us, that which is real; but, look: that which is real for itself! That is why I said, "that which thought idealizes, in it, as being real."

So, see what a confused situation we have. This spiritual search is based on thought. Whatever thought is seeking is something that it idealizes for itself, and what it idealizes for itself is part of its content, because every thought has, in principle, that which it knows. Notice, observe this in yourself: you cannot have a thought of something unknown; every thought you have is something of the known. That is how our searches are. You can only be seeking that which you know. However, that which you know, identifiable by thought, is part of thought, it cannot be the Truth. So, we hardly pay attention to this; so basic, but at the same time, something very important. This whole search is a search within the known, because it is a search within that which thought idealizes as being real. But, if it is part of thought, it is within the known.

So, here, the first thing is to completely discard this idea of ??the possibility of having an encounter outside of the known, since this encounter, in the mind, will always be within the known. So, if the person is in this search for God, he cannot place God within the known. So, what kind of search is this that we do in this very movement of thought that we have? It is, naturally, a movement of searching for self-projection. What we need, Gilson, is a Realization of Reality, and not the search for that which thought idealizes as being real. So, this is the first aspect. And the second great aspect, determining illusion and failure in the search, is that every search presupposes time. Anything that you can find will not be Reality, because Reality is not found in time. It is verified exactly when time ends, because we are dealing with something that is not in the future.

We have to investigate the nature of what is happening to us. If we really intend to have a Divine Life, a Real Life; if we intend to discover something outside of this form of existence of a life model centered on the "I," centered on the ego, as has been the case in our lives, we have to investigate this issue that any element that you may find in your search is still part of the known, and that anything that you may find, you can only find within time. Saying it another way, Gilson: it is not the search that we need; it is exactly the end of the search, the end of this movement of searching, the end of this movement of seeking. So, we have just presented these two aspects to you, but now we have, here, a third aspect that is quite intriguing, quite interesting, which is the truth that you do not go to God. You don't have His address, He is not something within the known, He is not something within time. And this third aspect - which is very interesting and, at the same time, wonderful - is the fact that it is God who reveals Himself. It is not you who goes to Him, it is He who comes. When you are ready, He comes.

This expression is very common and well-known in this very environment of searching, but we cannot see what this expression means. The expression is as follows: "When the disciple is ready, the Master appears." Only when you are ready for this encounter, you do not go to Him, He comes to you. It is not you who finds God, it is God who finds you; you do not go to Grace, it is Grace that reveals itself. So, we only need to assume the truth of this encounter. In this sense, there is only one thing to do here: it is to answer this call when, by Divine Grace, it happens. If it is happening to you at this moment, it is by an Action of Grace that you are here in this encounter. If this moment is happening to you, it is by a Divine Action that you are receiving a call to go beyond the world, to go beyond the mind, to go beyond the body, to go beyond the "I."

Therefore, Gilson, our great encounter with Truth is Truth assuming this Its own space in our mind, in our heart; expressing, thus, the Truth of Itself, assuming this place of Itself, because this is Its place. There is no one present here, in life, other than That. That is the Reality, God is the only Reality. So, it is this Divine Grace that draws us to It. It is not a search that we need, but rather a sensitivity, vulnerability and willingness to work directly towards this Awakening, due to this great Divine Call. And this is exactly what we are proposing here for you: to have an approach to the Reality of your Being, to the Reality of God, simply by becoming available and learning what it is to learn about yourself, what it is to observe reactions, to become available for this work.

When we are ready, there is, within each one of us, something burning for this, then a work really happens in this direction. Discover what it means to look, to become aware, to be conscious of yourself, in this moment. of these thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, actions, gestures, language, words. Whatever is emerging at this moment, just look, discover what it means getting closer to this comprehension of yourself, this study of yourself. We have several videos on the channel here. In them, we are showing you how to have a real approach to Self-awareness, the Awareness of Meditation and all these elements linked to this psychological condition in which we find ourselves and to which we are prisoners, due to this background of conditioning that has not been investigated, that needs to be investigated and, naturally, discarded. This direct look, this realization of that which is not real, is the end of that which is not real, something that occurs naturally through this action of this Presence, through this action of this Divine Grace.

GC: Master, we have a question from a subscriber on the channel, who makes the following comment and asks: "I have immense pain and sadness, and I cannot find peace. I'm always complaining. I'm not happy, even though everything is fine. Is this the past?"

MG: So, Gilson, this statement... This, in reality, is the portrait of this psychological condition where this sense of separation is present. The human being, Gilson, carries the pain of the sense of separation between him and life, between him and Grace, between him and God. This is present because of this ego-identity, this movement that is the movement of the "I," which is the movement of the ego. The end of this psychological condition requires the investigation of the nature of the "I," and, naturally, this "I," this ego, this sense of separate identity, which sustains conflict, suffering, disorder, and all these conditions present in this model of a suffering psyche, of a suffering human mind, is something that, naturally, is the result of thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, and experiences. And all of this, naturally, is the result of the sense of the present "I." And this "I" is nothing other than accumulation of knowledge, experience, as it was said - the past.

This sense of someone present now, here, who sees oneself as someone present, is the sense, the feeling, the thought, the sensation of being here and that one was present there yesterday, and tomorrow one will be somewhere else. This is the old movement of psychological time, which situates us as someone present, at this moment, who came from the past. See, we are faced with a game of thought, this idea of ??someone present, and thought is, naturally, the past. This idea of ??being someone, this feeling of being someone, with all the suffering that this represents, is nothing other than this ego-identity, something that has no reality outside of thought. And thought is, naturally, the past. Can we break this psychological condition of ego-identity of someone who lives in time, who came from the past, is now here present, moving towards the future?

Our work here consists of becoming aware of this psychological condition of illusory identity, of ego-identity. Once we are aware that all the movement present in you is the movement of thought, which is constantly present in you - I refer to this element of thought that is constantly throwing you into the future or the past and, in this present moment, is creating states of feelings, emotions and sensations, and justifying these states based on thought - to break with this is to discover something beyond the "I," beyond the ego, which is the nature of Truth, of That which is present here, beyond the mind. Gilson, we were born to realize This, to assume This Truth, the Truth that there is no one present. It is strange, it is paradoxical, but it is exactly like that; there is no one present who was born, who is living and who will die. We are simply, here at this moment, facing a great divine dream. Waking up from this dream, freeing yourself from this idea of ??someone present, is Liberation in this life, it is the awareness of the Presence of Truth, of Love, of Freedom, it is the Awareness of God, whatever name we want to give That. We are talking about something beyond the dream, beyond the known, beyond this psychological condition in which we find ourselves. Some even say that it is not really a dream, it is something that is more like a nightmare. The fact is that we are facing something that thought is producing and we can break with it. And that is exactly what we are working on here, with you: to become aware of this reality, to go beyond this psychological condition of ego-identity - someone who was born, is alive and will die. Here, there is life happening and the reality of life as it is. Present in it, the only Reality, which is the Reality of God. This is the Reality of your Being; this is the Reality of your Real Nature. You were born for Happiness, you were born for Love, you were born for the Awareness of your Being, which is the Truth of God.

GC: Master, we have another question from a subscriber here on the channel. Almerinda makes the following comment and asks: "Another video to 'trigger breakthroughs.' Master, so is this the state that Jesus calls the Kingdom of Heaven? Thank you very much."

MG: So, we are facing Divine Reality; we can give it many names. Jesus called it "The Kingdom of Heaven," but the name does not have much relevance and any idea we have about That is false. Like any word we use to designate That, we will still be dealing with words, concepts, ideas, thoughts. Assuming the Truth of That which is you in your Being, realizing this Truth here and now, going beyond this illusion of this sense of separation, where there is you and life, you and God - that is what it is about. Now, as for giving it a name, we can call it any name. Now, I have always given some warnings here, Gilson, one of them is this: It is essential that we leave behind conclusions, beliefs, ideas, concepts, words. Perhaps you say: "Ah, now I understand!", "Ah, now I understand!", "Ah, now I get it!" . Who is this "I" who understood, who comprehended, who got it? Reality is outside the "I," so it is not about someone who knows, but Truth revealing itself as You, in your Natural State. If this is present, names do not matter. Ideas, concepts, conclusions, all of that is thrown away, because we are faced with this one Reality.

This one Reality is beyond language, beyond speech, beyond names. When thought ceases, ideas also disappear, words also disappear, concepts also disappear. So, at that moment, there is no longer anyone designating, naming, explaining, drawing conclusions, or ready to believe or disbelieve. It is essential that we have an approach to life beyond thought, beyond the mind, beyond ideas. In this approach, the sense of someone disappears. The importance of an encounter at this level is that, when this is present, the only Reality present is Truth itself, and this Truth is unnamable, indescribable. A Real approach of ourselves, when we learn to look, to observe, to become aware of ourselves; when we begin to become aware of our reactions without interfering with them, just observing, becoming aware, we are in the real process of this unlearning about ourselves.

This is what I have called "the truth about this learning about Self-awareness." As this sense of "I" dissolves, something new takes over this space, and this new something is of Real Intelligence, of Real Wisdom, of Real Awareness of Truth, but there is no one there. When Wisdom is present, when Intelligence is present, when Truth is present, Divine Reality takes over all the space, and this is your Natural State of Being. It is the Truth about You, it is the Truth about God, it is the Truth about the other, it is the Truth about life. In your Natural State of Being there is this Freedom, there is this indescribable Beauty, there is this unnamable "thing" . This is your Real encounter with life, in which life is sovereign, Reality is sovereign, God is sovereign. There is no you, there is no "me," there is no "I."

GC: Gratitude, Master, gratitude; our time has come to an end. Gratitude for yet another videocast. And for those of you who are watching the video until the end and have a genuine and sincere desire to comprehend these truths, we invite you to participate in the meetings that Master Gualberto offers. These are online meetings, which we can attend from the comfort of our own homes; they are held on weekends, Saturdays and Sundays. There are also in-person meetings and retreats, which are held in the city of Gravatá, in Pernambuco (Brazil). In these meetings, whether online or in-person, the Master answers our questions directly and, in addition, because He already lives in this Awakened State of Consciousness, He shares this energy of Presence in the meetings. And, in this sharing, we are taking a ride on the Master's energy and this helps a lot, it makes it much easier for us to understand ourselves, to have a vision beyond what our intellectual understanding can reach. So, here is the invitation. In the first comment, pinned, there is a WhatsApp link to participate in these meetings. And Master, once again, thank you for the videocast.

December, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

March 11, 2025

How to find God? Search for spirituality. Conditioned mind. What is thought? How to think?

Here, together, we are investigating some things with you. I want to point to this relationship with this encounter with God. How can we find God? What is the truth about this encounter? Is this really possible? And how does it happen? How does it become possible? Another subject here is the relationship between this and the truth about thought, the difference between how thought happens in us, which is about what to think - which is how we function in this sense of the "I," in this sense of the ego -, the difference between this and how to think.

So, let's clarify this calmly here, let's put it here in parts. The first part is: what is this encounter with God? Because the question is: how can we find God? I have insisted a lot on this here. The idea of ??encountering God is the idea that He is there and that I am here. See, what is the truth of this "He," who is God, there? What is the truth of this "I," who am I, here? What is the truth about God? What is the truth about me?

Here, the first point is that we are faced with two forms of thought, which were given to us by culture, of what represents what to think. See, there are thoughts within us that are given to us by society, by the world, by the context of life in which we find ourselves psychologically, socially and culturally. So, we have a model of thinking that is given to us by the world; so, we know what to think. This "what to think" is what the world thinks, what society thinks, what the common mind of everyone, in this common consciousness of everyone, has: this is how we think.

So, our way of dealing with life is based on this "what to think." We do not know the truth of how, by ourselves, to become aware of life as it happens, so we have no way of thinking, because we have what we receive from society. So, our way of thinking is the form of a conditioned mind. Our mind is programmed, structured, educated to think the same way as everyone else thinks; to feel as everyone feels and also to behave, act, and do as everyone else does, because we are within a conditioned mind. So, observe this here calmly.

So, when we talk about finding God, you see, we are already within a proposal that was given to us by this common model of thought, which is the idea that God is there, somewhere far away, to be found, and that there is someone here, who is "me," as a real element, to find God. You see, all this language is the language of conditioned thought, of the conditioned mind. So, they gave us what to think about, they didn't teach us how to think.

Here, together, we are investigating with you what a real approach to God is, and this real approach to God is not an encounter with God, but it is an acknowledgment of a present Reality that is unreachable by thought, indescribable by words, unattainable by the mind. This Divine Reality is that which is present here and now. When we completely strip ourselves of this illusion, which is the illusion of someone being here, in order to at some point have an encounter with God, who is somewhere in the future, in time, when we completely strip ourselves of this, we will immediately have the clear awareness that a Reality is present, and this reality is not the "person," it is not the "me," it is not the "I."

So, we need to get closer to the truth about this issue, this encounter through the search for spirituality - this is a playlist here on the channel. All of these subjects here, how to think, the search for spirituality, how to find God, all of this is on the channel in the form of a playlist, because each of these subjects needs to be deepened. So, we are investigating each of these topics through dozens of videos, because we need to be perfectly clear about all of this so as not to fall into this mistake, so common to everyone, regarding these topics.

So, this so-called search for spirituality, after all, what is this, "search for spirituality?" After all, what does it mean to seek spirituality? The Reality of your Being is the Divine Reality; you do not find this Reality by searching, by seeking. Everything here revolves around a verification of this Divine Life of yours, this Real Life of yours, which is the Life of God.

So, the idea is of God in time to be found. If, for example, I give you an address and you have never been to that place, you have an address to find the place. So, to find a certain place, you need an address, because you have never been there. So, there are a few things here: There is the distance from where you are to that place - we have a distance - we also have the presence of time, the time to go from here to that place, and we have a third thing, the fact that you are completely unaware of that place.

Here, when we talk about God, we are talking about something else. God is not a reality in time. So, it is not about something that is not here and is in time, in this so-called future, to be found; it is not about something that requires a distance between what is here and what is there - we also have this issue of distance, and this is not real for this Divine Reality. And another point is that we are not talking about something that is foreign to you; it is unknown to you, but it is not foreign.

Notice this instant, this moment, when you come across a speech like this, when there is this instant of encounter. Because it is necessary for you to be in a real moment for this encounter, and here and now, it is clear: it is an encounter of verification. It is not an encounter in time, it is not an encounter going from point A to point B; it is not a point of distance, it is not an encounter of a point of distance. Here it is an encounter of realization. When you are ready, a speech like this sounds very, very clear to you, although on a level outside the intellect, since this intellect in us is also a movement of conditioned thought.

See, this is where we have all the difficulty. It is not that you do not identify it. You identify it, because it is something inherent in the nature of your Being. There is something in you that shows you clearly that you are facing something real, but it is something that thought in you does not reach, because it is outside of thought, because it is outside of conditioning. So, what is the truth of this encounter with God? The truth about it is in this looking, in this approaching, in this realization, through Self-awareness, of this present Reality, in this instant.

This vision of our approach to Divine Reality is something that reveals itself when illusion ends, when this sense of someone present, which is the "I," is no longer there; and all we need, in this life, for the awareness of this is the end of this conditioned mind. And what is this conditioned mind? It is the way we think. This way we think is about what to think. We always have something to think about, there is always what society has given us to think about. You were raised listening, within the culture, from the first days with your parents telling you what was right, what was wrong, what you should do, what you shouldn't do, "you can't do this," "you can't do that," "this is right," "this is wrong," "don't talk like that."

We hear our parents using language, and we learn. Some children learn to swear because their parents say it, although, contradictorily, they are telling their children: "Don't swear," but the child learns by example. If the father swears and says "don't swear," the child will swear; maybe they won't swear in front of them, their parents, but they will swear when they are away from them, because the example is more powerful than affirmation of words, verbal statements, theoretical teachings. The example is the great teacher, in this case, for the child.

So, we have a conditioned mind, we are conditioned by culture, tradition, philosophy, psychology, social values, and our parents' behavior; we are conditioned to speak, to feel, to act, to behave, and we grow up this way. So, our mind is conditioned, our life is psychologically conditioned to this model. So, we always have and receive from society, more and more, about what to think, how to think, this "what to think" that they give us.

We do not know the truth about what real thinking is, true thinking, how to think free from this context of culture, this context of mental conditioning, psychological, philosophical, spiritualist, religious, traditional, and family programming. Here, together, we are approaching the investigation of the Truth of this Revelation about who we are, for the end of this mental conditioning, for the emergence of a new mind, a free mind, outside of this format, this model, outside of this pattern, and for this we need to learn to investigate our reactions, to become aware of what thought is within us.

So, the question is: What is thought? This is another topic here on the channel. To delve deeper into this question about what thought is, how thought is processed, how you react to an insult, an offense, a rejection; how you react to praise, flattery, congratulations; how you feel when you are accepted, loved; how you feel when you are rejected, excluded. What are your reactions? So, what is thought at this moment? How do you process all of this?

So, to learn to look at your reactions, learn how thought works within you, forming pictures, images, giving you a vision of the other within concepts, prejudices, images, and pictures that you make of him or her, that you also make of yourself. To become aware of your reactions, learn to observe the mind, learn to observe thought, become aware of this. This is when we can dismiss from our lives, just by looking directly, all this mediocrity, all this basis of life guided by conditioned thought, producing confusion, producing suffering, producing disorder in our lives.

So, how can we have this encounter with Divine Reality? By having this verification of this Reality present in this instant, when we free ourselves from this "I"; and to free ourselves from this "I" is to free ourselves from this model of illusory identity present, in this format of conditioned mind. Because this "I" is nothing other than this conditioning. You are always repeating the same patterns of human conditioning, of mental conditioning, this is the "I"; and if this is present, you are inside a prison.

Divine Reality, the Reality of God, is the Truth about You; when It reveals itself, there is a new way of feeling, thinking and acting in life, because in this moment, it is present what this real thinking, this real feeling, this real living is, because we are before Reality, which is the Reality of God. This is the end of all searching, of all seeking; this is the end of all this movement outwards, for a real awareness of the Reality of life happening in this moment, where Beauty, Freedom, Love, Bliss are present.

You were born to, in this life, become aware of That which is present, which is beyond birth and death. You were born to become aware that the Reality that is You and your Being is Something that is outside of the known and, therefore, Something outside of this mind and this world that thought sees, that this conditioned thought model has.

This is what we are doing together here, Saturday and Sunday, working with you. There are online meetings on the weekends, two days together. Here, in the video description, you can find our WhatsApp link for these online meetings on weekends. In addition, we have in-person meetings and retreats. If what you just heard makes sense to you, here's an invitation. Leave a "like" here, subscribe to the channel and leave a comment: "Yes, that makes sense." Ok? And we'll see you soon. Thanks for the meeting and see you next time!

December, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

March 6, 2025

Conditioned Mind. Learning Self-Awareness. Observer and the Observed. How to Get Out of Suffering

Here is a question that we will answer very directly for you. The question is: how to get out of suffering? Look, suffering is very common. Suffering in many forms, in many expressions.

This is something present in human life as part of the confusion in which one finds oneself. Anxiety is present, anguish, depression, fear-all of these topics we have been exploring here with you. And suffering is part of all this; it is part of all these issues we have, of this order.

So, psychic suffering is something present in human beings. But we also have different forms of suffering present. We have this psychological suffering, but we also have physical suffering.

Thus, we are familiar with the various types of suffering present in human life. And here, the question is: how to get out of suffering? Here, putting it directly: you cannot get out of suffering. The sense of the person present, which is how we see ourselves in this context of existence, in this context of life, is basically suffering.

As long as we are living in this formulation of the identity of the "I," within this form of existence in separation, in duality-and here, duality or separation is the idea of "I and him," "we and them"-there will be suffering because we are dealing here with an illusion. And as long as there is illusion, due to the presence of ignorance, there will be suffering. And why is this ignorance present? Naturally, this illusion.

And suffering is within this context. Why does this occur? Why does this happen? Because we lack an understanding of truth, of the truth of life, without the "I," without the person. It is in this context of life as a person, or of the person in life, that suffering is present because this separation is present: the person and life, this "I" and the "not-I."

This ignorance is something present when we lack a vision of truth about life, about what life is. However, understanding life, understanding what it is, requires understanding how we are in this context of life, how life is or how it presents itself to each of us. Thus, without first having an understanding of this, we do not and will never have an end to suffering.

Suffering is nothing more than what thought evaluates, interprets, and translates. It is constantly making choices about what is, placing judgments on how it should be or should happen. All of this is within this context of the pattern of thought operating within us, in this brain that is conditioned, within this conditioned mind.

Thus, something we need to explore here with you is this issue of this conditioned mind, which is part of this present ignorance that sustains this illusion. So, we ignore the truth about who we are.

We lack this learning about Self-Awareness, about the truth of who we are. All our actions based on this conditioned pattern of thought, in this conditioned mind, in what we have been working on with you and showing you that it is part of this consciousness we know-this consciousness we know is conditioned consciousness.

As long as our actions are sprouting from this pattern of thought and, therefore, from this ignorance, this form of being we know, there will be suffering because the presence of this suffering is due to the presence of ignorance, this confusion in which we find ourselves internally, psychologically. And all of this is the result of a background we carry.

This is our conditioning. This is the conditioning of thought, the conditioning of the mind, the conditioning of consciousness-this background. The way you respond to life at this moment, the way you interact with the experience of this instant, based on this background that comes from the past, is the maintenance of this continuity of the ego. Thus, it is simply impossible, notice, for suffering to end. Humans will continue to suffer until the end of their days.

In one way or another, suffering will be present due to the presence of this ignorance, this background of conditioning, which is the conditioning of the "I." Thus, the mind is conditioned, and so is the brain.

All the knowledge you have about life, based on this past you carry, which is all of humanity's history, means we are not here, at this moment, within this context, dealing with life as it happens. We are interpreting, evaluating, comparing, judging, bringing from the past a contact with life in this moment. So, we have life at this instant, the truth of life as it shows itself to be, as it is.

And we bring from the past this idea of life as it should be, as it could be, as it would be. Thus, the past-this psychological heritage of human culture, of interpretation, reinterpretation, and evaluation of the present moment-situates us in life as someone present within it, separate from it. This is the "I," this is the ego, this is ignorance.

This is where the illusion lies. This is where the suffering lies. Follow this calmly.

A real approach to life is an approach without the "I" and, therefore, without the past. Notice, a question for you: when you come across someone, who are you really facing? I ask the question and already provide the answer.

You are only facing someone you know, someone you recognize. Thus, that someone you know, that you recognize, is actually not there-they are within you because every reference you have of him or her is based on the knowledge you carry and the experience you have.

Notice the importance of this observation. When you come across someone, that someone is nothing other than the person you form of him or her-the image, the figure, the photograph you have of him or her.

Thus, in this encounter with someone, there is always this element that is the observer within you, who observes from the past. So, when you meet the husband, you are, in fact, encountering an image, a concept, an idea about him or about her if it is the wife. This encounter is, in fact, a projection of this observer.

This observer within you is the very image it is projecting and dealing with. Thus, notice how important this is here. We believe that we know people-we know the image we have of them, because this is the experience we have with these images in this contact with him or her.

So, our relationships, for example, our relationships with people, are relationships that rest on, that are based on this element, which is the observer. And this observer is the "I," this me, the person I am. But this person I am is a thought I have about who I am. It is in this thought I have about who I am-and this is the observer-that the image I have of who he is or she is is present.

Thus, our relationships are all falsified relationships because they are relationships between images. The image I have of him, the image he has of me. So, when we meet, these encounters are established as negotiations between images, negotiations between observers.

Here's the question for you: where is the reality? Since these encounters are between thoughts, between images, between projections of this observer. It's very simple.

There is no truth in these encounters. These encounters' truths are encounters of dreams. Such are our relationships with life, with situations, with circumstances-this element from the past, the observer, is always present. And notice, it is not separate from what it is observing. What it is observing is itself. Here we have a playlist about this subject.

The more you approach these talks, the clearer it will become for you what we are presenting here. There is no separation between the observer and the observed.

We are within the same phenomenon. The idea of someone present, separate from life, from the other, or from what surrounds them, sustains this resistance to life as it happens.

So, we are living within a life created, sustained, and produced by thought. This is the illusion condition of the sense of "I" in this particular life, which is the egoic life, the self-centered life. Therefore, there is no way to end this suffering.

So, when people ask, "How to get out of suffering?" they do not understand that there is no separation between the suffering and what they are. The idea, the belief, is that suffering is separate from me, but, in truth, this me is the suffering. Just as the other is me.

I am never in real contact with him or her, just as I do not enter into real contact with suffering. Thus, ignorance is what is present in this idea of this me, this "I." This is the condition of the conditioned mind, of this conditioned consciousness, of this model of identity of the "I."

Getting closer to oneself is learning about Self-Awareness. And this learning requires that, at this moment, you discover what it means to look without this observer.

So, what does it mean to look at this moment without the observer? When you look at someone without the presence of this approach, of this learning about yourself, you are merely maintaining the continuity of this framework of duality, of separation, where this observer and the observed are present.

But when you begin to approach the truth about yourself and realize that everything you have present in this observer is the very thing observed, at that moment, simply observing eliminates this observer. So notice, there is a way to approach the present moment-whether it's situations, circumstances, life, or others-without this element, which is the observer.

And, therefore, without the past. Can we approach what arises at this instant, externally or internally, without this observer? This is what we are saying to you. That yes, it is possible.

As long as we learn to approach life without the past. The point is that we are constantly valuing the past. Life is here and now, in this moment, showing itself in a new way.

When, for example, the other is before me, but then this me enters with its projection. This me is this observer, separating itself from what it is observing. In this separation, duality is present. In this separation, the illusion of separation is present.

This establishes and solidifies confusion, disorder, and suffering. Is it possible to have an encounter with him or her without their past? This is what we are presenting.

Without their past, you have no image of him or her. And this encounter without their image is an encounter without the observer.

At this moment, you become aware of your reactions, perceiving all the game that thought creates within you in this contact with the present moment, in this contact with him or her, or with the situations around you, or with things that happen within you. Yes, exactly.

It is possible to observe the reactions of thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, without placing this observer that separates itself from what it is observing. When, for example, a thought is present, creating a state of sadness, annoyance, anger, resentment, disappointment, frustration-when a thought is present bringing a state, is it possible just to notice the thought, what it represents, without getting involved with it?

When you do not get involved with the thought, there is only the thought because there is only observation; there is no observer, no thinker, no person involved in disliking or liking the thought.

This is how we approach the truth of meditation. When we take as a principle this observation of our reactions without getting involved with them, just as observing the other without psychologically creating this image of him or her, we approach the truth about learning about ourselves.

Because in that moment, we eliminate the past. There is an elimination of the past because only this observation is present.

It's like, for example, when you listen to music.

Try just listening to the music. Usually, notice what we do: when music is playing, at first, this observer, which is the "I," this me, this ego, when listening to the music, does not listen to the music-it gets involved in hearing the music.

At that moment, emotionally, sentimentally, romantically, or ideologically, it gets involved with the melody, with the lyrics, with all that musical harmony. And in that moment, it places this identity involved in that pleasure.

It might seem very innocent to get emotionally involved with the music, but what is present in this emotional involvement places you in a condition of identification with the music, which represents this separation between the observer and the observed because this liking enters the picture.

So, is it possible to just discover what it means to listen without listening to the melody, the harmony, the lyrics, but without placing an identity within it?

Notice, our model of existence in the "I," in the ego, in this observer, is constantly about continuing this sense of an identity present in that experience, which here, in this case, is the experience of listening to music. But notice, we are doing this all the time-in this contact with life, in this contact with him or her, or with all the external and internal experience. Thus, this sense of the "I," the ego, it always maintains its continuity when it confuses itself with the experience.

Is it possible to bring to this moment a state of attention where there is only this listening, this observing, this perceiving-this observing without the observer, this listening without the listener, this perceiving without the perceiver?

Then, in that moment, we become free of the past. And when that happens, there is great beauty-listen to this-there is great beauty in this freedom.

Only then is there this real freedom to listen to the music, but without psychologically, emotionally, bringing any level of emotional or sentimental imprisonment. Because we are before beauty-the beauty of listening, the beauty of hearing the music with all that it represents, without the sense of the "I," without the sense of the ego.

Thus, this listening is meditation, just as this looking at the wife or the husband without the past is meditation. Then, in that moment, there is a real encounter with him or her, and therefore, in this encounter, there is no duality, no separation. We have the encounter with beauty.

Thus, this encounter with the beauty of listening to the music, or listening to the other, or looking at the other, is when, at that moment, the sense of separation dissolves. That other is within you. That music is what you are.

This is the encounter with beauty; this is the encounter with truth; this is the encounter with the freedom of being, where this duality no longer exists, where this separation no longer exists. This is the end of this psychological condition, which is the condition of the "I."

So, what is this approach to learning about ourselves? It is having an approach to this moment without the past.

So, what is the truth about the end of this conditioned mind? It is the approach to life without the past. It is the approach to thought, to feeling, to emotion, or to sensation, without this element that comes from the past, which is the "I."

So here is an invitation for you. We have meetings on weekends, Saturday and Sunday.

They are online meetings. You can find the WhatsApp link to join these meetings in the video description.

In addition, we have in-person meetings and also retreats.

If this is something that makes sense to you, take the opportunity to leave your like, subscribe to the channel, okay? Leave a comment here: "Yes, this makes sense."

Okay? And we'll see each other. Thanks for the meeting, and see you next time.

December, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

March 4, 2025

Self-Awareness: how to know oneself? Wisdom: how to attain it? How to achieve success in life?

Here the question is: how to achieve success? And there is another question: wisdom, how to acquire it? How to acquire wisdom? Let's draw a parallel here and explore this subject with you. What do you truly need, what do we need, in life? Do we need success, or do we need wisdom? Let's see the first thing here; the first is: what is life?

If we want to make our life depend on success or make our life depend on wisdom-if the purpose is a successful life or a life of wisdom-we must first investigate what Life is. So, let's explore this with you. And we'll draw a parallel between what is commonly known as success and explore what the truth about wisdom might really be. And what life is.

Look, in my view, there are two ways of looking at this question about our lives. There is this main, very personal idea that the vast majority usually has, which is the idea, when using the expression, "my life." In this so-called "my life," we have projects, projects to achieve in life; something we call "success."

And what is success? Is it fame? Is it power? Is it money? Is it professional achievement? Is it building a good family? Is it building a business? A good business? Is it acquiring possessions, movable or immovable? After all, what is success? Is that exactly what we call success? This ability to achieve things in this "particular life," as we know it?

Okay, and despite that, despite this achievement, after this achievement, after this long-dreamed attainment or achieving of success, do we continue internally, inwardly, being the same people? Notice the question: this is easily observable by all of us. Whatever you achieve in life, externally, outwardly, does not internally alter who you are, it doesn't change you.

If internally we are creatures burdened with worries, fears, anxieties, various afflictions; if, as people, we struggle to deal with others, struggle to deal with ourselves; if we carry a certain degree of anxiety, anguish, or depression; if, on some level, that happens to us; if we are ambitious, envious, jealous, possessive creatures... notice what we are presenting here to you. No matter what you obtain, achieve. You might call it success; others might call it success. But inwardly, you know you still remain unhappy.

Here, on this channel, we are investigating these issues with you. Here, the fundamental question is the Science of the Truth about who we are, about what we present ourselves to be. And it doesn't matter what you have achieved, or what you have lost, or what you may yet achieve. Psychologically, internally, we carry this sense of "I," this sense of "person," and this "person" basically does not know itself. So, it doesn't matter what we call success, or love, peace, or happiness. We have given names to very particular states of satisfaction, fulfillment, or achievement that we have temporarily attained in various goals, in various relationships, in relationships with objects, with people, with situations. We have given those names to them. But we do not know the Truth about who we are. And the unawareness of this Truth is ignorance.

Here on the channel, we are looking at this place. We are investigating these issues because they are the fundamental questions of life. The lack of understanding of the truth about who we are, the lack of knowledge about ourselves, the absence of the vision of truth-and here I refer to this truth that is beyond everything we know as persons; I refer to this Divine Truth-this lack of understanding is suffering!

So, amidst fame, prestige, recognition, public acceptance, an enviable life, without the presence of the revelation of Divine Truth, there is no real love, no real peace, no real happiness. This is what we are working on with you. Thus, when people ask, "how to achieve success in life," our focus here is on discovering the Truth about Wisdom. And Real Wisdom is Divine Truth, it is the Truth of God. The good news is that this Wisdom or this Truth is the Reality of Your Self, your essential Nature.

Therefore, what is necessary for this approach-and without it, it is impossible to come closer to Wisdom-is the understanding of ourselves! So, here, the fundamental thing is to have a direct look at this study of ourselves. Understand this. Self-awareness, the Truth about who You Are, the Truth of this Self-awareness, which is to know yourself, brings you a clear vision of the illusion you have about who you are.

One thing we've learned, which has been built over the years-is within this human, social structure, within this collective mind-all this idea of being "someone," of seeing yourself as "someone," of thinking, feeling, and acting as a "person." The reality of your being is impersonal! And here, when I use this term "impersonal," it is literally that! It is something outside the sense of the "person," as the "person" sees itself. As the "person" feels itself to be.

Thus, we have various needs, which are supposed needs. All this has been devised, constructed, produced, sold to each of us as real needs. We were educated within an ambitious, envious, greedy, acquisitive, competitive culture. So, we learned, within this context of the world, of life, that we need things-we need external achievements-because with those achievements, we will be happy.

Notice that "someone" who seeks fame, prestige, popular acceptance, success, is, in truth, searching for love, peace, happiness. However, in the mind, we confuse external achievements-or the building of a world surrounded by material comforts and surrounded by admiring looks or those who, looking at us, envy us-we confuse that with our Purpose in Life.

The Reality of your Self is the Reality of God! You, in your Natural Self, being naturally what You Are, present in that is Happiness, Compassion, Kindness, Freedom, Intelligence! So, what people call "success" or "happiness," based on constructs of thought, on idealizations that thought builds, is a mistake.

Here our emphasis is on investigating Divine Truth with you. This truth consists of Life, with Life being this very existence. And in this existence, there is an action born of this understanding. The actions we know are generally born of an impulse, an ideal, a goal, an intention that thought has constructed. We need to discover another quality of action, which is action free of the "I," free of the "ego."

Vou continuar a tradução do texto até o final, mantendo a literalidade e seguindo as orientações.

It is about your Divine Nature in expression, for being your Real Nature, impersonal, which moves in Joy, in Freedom, in Love, in Happiness; it does not cause disorder, it does not produce suffering. We do not know this! Because our actions are born out of an impulse, of competition, of greed, of envy, within this ideal, this purpose of achieving fame, power, this so-called "success"! So, what is the truth about Wisdom?

Drawing a parallel here, establishing a parallel between Wisdom, which is the Science of your Self, of this Divine Truth, where life is Understanding; and in this Understanding, there is an action of a new quality, of a quality unknown to this egocentric, personal, ambitious model that always carries this yearning for more and more and more, as it has been with the actions of the "ego." Becoming aware of the truth about yourself is becoming aware of the Presence of Divine Truth, here and now! It is the end of this "egocentric" condition of moving in the world, in this dream of separation, of duality.

The core subject here on the channel is the Truth that the only reality present is the Divine Reality, the Reality of God. And all this movement, which is the movement that thought has built, established, in all these generations that came before us, this entire model that has been guiding human existence on the planet for millennia. Notice that for hundreds, thousands of years, human beings have been creating confusion, disorder, and suffering in the world. Looking closely, every problem in the world is the problem of man, it is the human being, in their "egocentrism," in their behavioral pattern, who has created all this confusion.

Here our purpose, together, is to know ourselves. So, the first thing here is to very clearly differentiate what this action is, as we know it, from the truth of free action. Notice that our actions are egocentric actions because they are actions established in the model of thought. Life is something that is happening at this moment, but the response we have to life happening at this moment is the response that comes from the past. The way you confront the experience of the present moment is based on the experiences you have acquired in the past.

But who is this element that carries these experiences and now appears here, at this moment, to face this instance, with this basis? This element is the experiencer. The experiencer is the one who is constituted of thoughts, of memories, of recollections, of all your history, of all your memory. And this is thought! Notice, we want to deal with the present moment from the thought that comes from the past.

Our actions are actions born from this particular center that is the experiencer, which consists of a set of memories, recollections, thoughts that come from the past. So, when the situation here, at this moment, arises, the response to this given situation is the response we bring from the past. Thus, our actions are egocentric actions. They are actions centered in this "I," in this "ego." Your way of relating to your husband, to your wife, to your children, to your family, to the world around you, is a particular, personal, "egocentric" way. Because it is something that comes from the past. It is the way thought interprets the present moment. It is based on your past experiences.

Notice how delicate this is. Your contact with your wife, with your husband, with your boss, with your coworkers, with the world around you, is the contact of thought in you, interpreting him or her, interpreting what is here at this instant. And this interpretation, as it is personal, particular, based on this experiencer that comes from the past, it is isolationist. It is separatist. It is "egocentric."

So, the action that arises from this movement is the action of the "ego," it is the action of the "I," producing confusion, producing conflict, producing suffering! Is it possible for us to have a life that is this life of Understanding, of the action of Intelligence, of Wisdom? An action of this quality is not an action born of the past, born of memory, born of thought. Notice, this is an action that responds intelligently to this moment, based on this presence, on this new, free mind. So, we have an action free of the "I," an action free of the "ego," where the Divine Reality is present.

Our objective here with you is to show you that this quality of action is possible. As long as the human being does not realize this, does not embrace this Truth of their own being, of this free, new mind that does not operate within this old model, because of the understanding of Truth, of Revelation, of Wisdom, which is born of Self-awareness-as long as this is not present, our life will be a confused, disorderly, disordered life, unhappy, and generating unhappiness, problematic and producing problems! So, it doesn't matter the position that "someone" has achieved, how much he or she has accomplished, how much he or she is seen as a "successful person." What we are saying to you-and it may be very challenging, of course-is that this sense of "person," present, is not the truth of what we are. And every achievement is not real. All of this is not the Truth of your being, the Nature of Divine Truth.

Here, the action free of the "ego," the action free of the "I," is the action of Real Happiness, Love, Fulfillment, Compassion. This has nothing to do with what thought has constructed in this idea of being successful, of success. We are telling you that, at this moment, it is possible to discover and verify what you are in your being, this awareness of your Essential Nature, of your Divine Nature.

It is interesting when people ask: "how to act correctly?"; "how to take the right action?" We have countless questions, and in this psychological, egocentric state of being "someone," we will never find answers to these questions because this very state is creating all these problems, all this confusion.

The purpose of these meetings of ours here is to look together at the possibility of the Blossoming of Truth about who we are. This is the Real Awakening of Consciousness. Some also call it Spiritual Enlightenment, the Blossoming of your Divine Nature, the Truth of What You Are, when the illusion ends, when ignorance is no more. This is the end of suffering; it is the end of these internal complications so well known to all of us in this model of "egoic" identity.

This is our work here, with you, on this channel. And also on our other channel called Marcos Gualberto. Later, take a look at our other channel. Moreover, we have online meetings that take place on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, we are together, looking into all this, exploring these issues, working on this with you. Here in the video description, you'll find our WhatsApp link to join these online weekend meetings. In addition, we have in-person meetings and retreats. If this is something that makes sense to you, here's an invitation: leave your like, subscribe to the channel, okay? And we'll see you! Thanks for the meeting, and see you next time.

December, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information

February 27, 2025

The Search for Spirituality | What is Mindfulness? | How to Overcome Insecurity? | Master Gualberto

People have the idea that they will find spirituality. That is why they embark on this so-called search for spirituality. Here on the channel, we have several videos dealing with this topic.

Why is it that people are on this search for spirituality? What is the purpose of someone becoming spiritual? Generally, the belief is that you become a better person, a special person. You achieve a status that sets you apart from others around you. Notice, what is behind all this? It is still ambition, vanity, the desire to be special. Note, it is purely egoic. Here, we are inviting you to ask questions, to look, to listen, to investigate all these issues. Or perhaps your search for spirituality is to solve problems.

Human beings carry many problems. So, you end up believing that a spiritual or spiritualized person has no problems. There is always the idea of a person in conquest, in a goal, in achievement. Here, we are investigating with you this question of the person.

What is the person? Who am I? If your purpose in life is to discover the truth, this is entirely different from finding a position or a privileged place to be someone there. The encounter with the truth is the revelation of divine science, the science of God.

It is not about this so-called spirituality, as humans identify it. We have many perspectives, ways of approaching, looking, asking, investigating, already with a purpose, with a goal, with an ideal. This ideal, purpose, goal, is still seated in the ego, in this model of being someone seeking something.

We have some things here to show you, actually to see with you. It is necessary that within you, there is something very honest in this direction of the encounter with the truth and not with a place, a position, or prominence, or power that a goal, a target, this so-called spirituality, might give you.

Here, we are with you on this channel, showing you that a new life is possible, a new way of acting. But this requires a new way of feeling and a new way of thinking. And we cannot have this within this format, within this program, within this way of being that we have received from culture, society, the world, and also tradition.

Our tradition is religious, philosophical, political, familial. What has this given us? Today, you are, what, 30 years old, 40, 50? Or are you just 20 years old? Or have you passed 60? What we receive from society, the world, is a model of feeling, a model of thinking, a model of acting based on the cultural, social, educational values we receive. We are competitive, vain, ambitious; we have internal psychological characteristics of arrogance. This is vanity.

It is in this sense that I use here the expression vain. It is not about taking care of your hair, or doing your nails. That is not what makes you vain. Being someone is vanity.

Taking care of your hair or nails does not make someone vain. Someone is vanity for being someone, for carrying this psychological sense of being someone in the world. Here, we are seeing with you the illusion of being someone and the problems it brings.

One aspect of being someone-this is just one example; we have countless others for you-it would be better if you looked at your own life and directly perceived what we are addressing here. In fact, this is how these issues are resolved, when we, by ourselves, become aware of it.

It is not about hearing a talk like this and following this language or this way of speaking to later reflect on it. It is important that you follow this and discover this in living, in your own life, everything we have shared here with you. So, the tip is for you to notice in your own life these examples of this sense of being someone and the problem it causes you.

So, this question of being someone, for example, this is just one, take note of the others, in life, in your living. Your relationship with your husband, with your wife, with your child, with your family, is nothing other than the relationship you have with yourself. If you are not in peace, in silence, in serenity, in stillness, in love, in yourself, with yourself, in the relationship with him or her, conflict is established. Because if you are not in your natural state of being, which is the state free from this sense of the "I," of the ego, it becomes burdensome, heavy, difficult, unmanageable. See, with yourself, this is what you reflect, this is what you share, this is what you divide in relationships.

So, your way of dealing with your wife stems from the way you are dealing with yourself. If you are restless, your relationship with him or her is one of restlessness. If you are not at peace, your relationship with her or him is one of lack of peace.

Your way of dealing with the person you believe you are is, naturally, the way of dealing with the other, as you believe the other is. Notice how important it is for us to have a new look at this moment for the novelty of life at this moment.

Right now, at this moment we are together here, it has never happened before, and it will not happen again. So, it is not something that happened, nor is it something that will happen. Note, life is like this.

It is a novelty. We are always facing a new moment, and everything is new in this moment. With a new moment, your contact with the person you are talking to is a new contact, and you are facing a new person.

Notice how important this is. But the thought, the feeling, the sensation in you, something that comes from this movement of the past because it comes from this movement of the image, of the mental representation you have about yourself, is now in contact with this moment, from this place. Notice how fascinating it is for us to have this understanding. Your state, which is the state of the "I," of the ego, of this element that comes from the past, which is this person, as you see yourself, notice, is a portrait of the thought about you, of the feeling about how you feel, of the emotion of how you are feeling at this moment.

This comes from the past; it has nothing to do with this moment. It has to do with this element that usually shows itself at this instant, in this present moment, to deal with this novelty, which is the novelty of life. And this does not adjust.

And there is no way an adjustment can occur between the past and this instant. This is the sense of the "I." When you ask: after all, what is the ego? The ego is this: it is the person who comes from the past, who faces this moment and tries to adjust their feeling, their thinking, their acting to what is here in this moment.

This produces conflict, disorder, problems, confusion, suffering. Are we together? Your contact with the person you are seeing in front of you is a mental representation you bring from the past about who they are because you have memory records of him or her. So, your contact with him or her is not real because it is established in this time, which is the past.

This is the egocentric model of being, feeling, and acting in relationships. So, this is an example.

The husband has been with the wife for ten years. In reality, he has not been with her for ten years. What he has of the last ten years of living with her is a set of images.

This set of images is in relationships. So, the husband has been with her for ten years, and she has been with the husband for ten years, but, in reality, there is no truth of the relationship because what we have is a game between images of ten years of relationships. Naturally, all these relationships are based on the ego, on the "I." He has his interests, and she has her interests.

What do we have in this relationship? Agreements, negotiations, egocentric adjustments, personal adjustments of images. We are not in real contact with life as it is. This game, which is the game of the "I," of the ego, in relationships, does not fit, does not adjust to life as it is, as it is actually happening at this moment. So, what exists between people? Agreements, adjustments, a model of thinking, acting, feeling that is egocentric. We do not have the truth of the relationship free from the ego, and therefore, we do not have the presence of truth, the presence of love, of happiness. We have pleasure, we have fulfillment, satisfaction, but we also have the misadjustments.

Beyond the adjustments, we have suffering, conflicts, and clashing interests.

So, couples fight and love each other. They feel anger towards one another and then exchange caresses, kisses, and affection. This is how our relationships are with neighbors, with coworkers. All of this happens because what I am is not well. This "me," this "I," is egocentric. It is self-centered. It is exclusively involved with itself, but in a negotiation of interests, bargaining, and exchange of pleasure and sensation.

I know all of this sounds very strange to you, but notice, this is a fact, this is how it is. If I carry fear, fear is present in my relationships. If I carry distrust, that is present in those relationships.

It's very interesting when people ask: how to overcome insecurity? Notice: how to overcome insecurity? Basically, this question is about how to overcome insecurity in relationships. But what is insecurity? Insecurity is the presence of fear.

But what is fear? Is your fear of the other, or is your fear just fear? Our relationships are sustained by desire, pleasure, and fear because there is dependency, attachment, possession, and control. There's a whole game behind it that sustains our relationships. While they are advantageous, the sense of "I" feels good, comfortable. But when these relationships are threatened, there is resentment, worry, jealousy, envy, insecurity, and fear.

Can we approach life at this moment without this sense of "I," of "me," of ego? If this approach exists, the relationship with him or her will be real because it will no longer be established within this game; it will no longer stabilize within this model, which is the model of the image I have about who they are, about who I am, and about what I need. When there is no longer the sense of "I," of ego, we have the truth of relationships because we have the presence of love.

Try looking at him or her without the image you have of him or her. Try this. Notice that this requires attention to this moment, which, in general, we do not have.

The ability to look at the husband without the image, at the wife without the image, at someone you know without the past, without this element of self-image, which is the image you have of yourself. Then it becomes possible to look at him or her without the image you have of them. At that moment, we have an encounter with something new.

This new thing is the novelty of life; it is life as it is here and now. Without the "I," without the ego, without the past. Here on this channel, we are working with you on life in love, in freedom, in peace, in happiness. This is present when, in relationships, the sense of "I," of this "me," of this ego, does not enter.

Of course, this requires work, inner work to end this psychological conditioning, where we are repeating everything we learned throughout all these years of life, which was to sustain this self-image and this unconscious way of dealing with the experience of the present moment, where this game always prevails-the games of images, where the sense of "I," of ego, prevails. So, when people ask: how to overcome insecurity? We need to approach the attention to this entire movement of the "I," of the ego, of this "me." So, what is mindfulness? This is a topic of ours here on the channel, one of the subjects we are working on with you: What is mindfulness?

What is bringing to this moment the awareness of being, in the absence of the "I"? This awareness of being reveals this moment as a moment free from an identity present, which is this self-image, which is this element that looks from this image it has about who it is, creating images about the people with whom this self-image relates. So, bringing attention to this moment is discovering what it is to look at this moment without the past. Try this-looking at the wife, at the husband, at the children, at the boss at work, at the coworker, looking without beliefs, ideas, opinions, conclusions, without this feeling, thinking of liking or disliking.

So, we need this art of attention, of mindfulness, of full attention to this moment. Learning to look without the observer, to look without the thinker, to look without the thought, without the ideas, opinions, and judgments about what is here and now in this moment, about life as it happens, about people as they present themselves, about the world as it is. Then, something reveals itself at this moment when there is this full attention. So, this is the approach to self-awareness.

To the truth of what is present in this moment, which is beyond the "I," beyond this self-image, beyond the past. So, this is our topic here with you on this channel and also on our other channels. You have the link in the video description to learn more.

Additionally, we have in-person meetings and retreats where we are working on this with you in person during multi-day gatherings. And besides these meetings, we have our online meetings, which take place on weekends. On Saturday and Sunday, we are together, investigating this with you through questions and answers and within a context of approaching meditation.

If what you have just heard makes sense to you, our WhatsApp number is here in the video description for these online meetings. If everything you've heard truly makes sense, leave your like here, subscribe to the channel, and comment here: yes, it makes sense. Okay? And we'll see each other.

Thanks for the meeting, and see you next time.

December, 2024
Gravatá-PE, Brazil
Further information
